Category Archives: Turism



Pentru a sublinia puterea legăturii strategice şi de destin ce uneşte România şi Kazahstanul, în acord cu conducerea  Institutului de Relaţii Internaţionale şi Cooperare Economică, s-a decis ca în data de 6 decembrie 2014, Senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei să prezinte în faţa Parlamentului României, Mesajul adresat de Preşedintele Kazahstanului-Nursultan Nazarbayev cu ocazia lansării unei noi politici economice pentru ţara sa-Nurly Zhol (Calea Luminoasa).


Senator Agrigoroaei la sedinta Parlamentului

Senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei prezinta parlamentarilor mesajul Nurly Zhol al Presedintelui Republicii Kazahstan-Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei a fost ales să dea citire acestui mesaj datorită faptului că este liderul de eficienţa al Parlamentului României, ales drept cel mai bun parlamentar pentru doi ani consecutiv pentru activitatea sa în sfera diplomaţiei parlamentare.

Trebuie să menţionăm că este pentru prima dată în istoria  României când mesajul unui lider internaţional este prezentat în faţa Parlamentului, ceea ce reprezintă o dovadă clară a relaţiei strategice ce uneşte ţara noastră de Kazahstan şi  dar şi a admiraţiei nutrite de elita politică a României pentru personalitatea liderului kazah, creatorul Kazahstanului modern-Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Va prezentăm selecţiuni din mesajul Preşedintelui Republicii Kazahstan- Nursultan Nazarbayev prezentat de senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei în faţa Parlamentului României


 Kazakhstan President


La ora actuală lumea se confruntă cu noi riscuri și provocări.  Economia mondială nu și-a revenit, încă suportă consecințele crizei financiare și economice globale.  Redresarea se produce într-un ritm foarte lent și lipsit de siguranță, iar pe alocuri declinul continuă și astăzi.  Criza geopolitică și politica statelor dezvoltate în ceea ce privește aplicarea de sancțiuni creează impedimente suplimentare pentru redresarea economiei mondiale.

Bazându-mă pe propria experiență, presimt că în următorii ani ne vom confrunta cu o serie de încercări pe plan global.  Se va modifica întreaga arhitectură a lumii.  Nu toate țările vor putea depăși cu demnitate această etapă complicată.  Acest hotar îl vor traversa doar statele puternice și popoarele unite.  Kazahstanul, ca parte integrantă a economiei mondiale și ca stat aflat în imediata vecinătate a epicentrului tensiunilor geopolitice resimte impactul negativ al tuturor acestor procese.  În consecință, observăm ce se întâmplă:  scad prețurile pe piețele mondiale, iar creșterea economică la nivel global este lentă. (..)

În urma dispozițiilor mele, Guvernul a finalizat elaborarea unui nou program amplu de dezvoltare.  La ora actuală, ca răspuns la provocările cu care ne confruntăm, declar lansarea unei Noi Politici Economice a Kazahstanului: Nurly Zhol. Acesteia îi dedic noul meu Mesaj către popor pentru anul 2015.  Ea va avea un caracter contracriza și se va concentra pe continuarea reformelor structurale din economia țării noastre.

Având în vedere noile riscuri externe cu care se confruntă dezvoltarea economică, avem nevoie de inițiative noi în vederea stimulării activității de business și ocupării forței de muncă.  Coloana vertebrală a Noii Politici Economice va deveni Planul de Dezvoltare a Infrastructurii, pe care astăzi doresc să îl fac public.  Este un plan pe 5 ani și coincide cu cel de-al Doilea cincinal de implementare a Programului de Dezvoltare Industrial-Inovațională Forțată, la care intenționează să participe peste 100 de companii străine.  Portofoliul total al investițiilor constituie 6 trilioane de tenge, în cadrul acestuia cota statului reprezentând 15%.

Kazahstanul deține un teritoriu de necuprins: pentru survolarea acestuia, unei păsări îi amorțesc aripile.  De aceea implementarea planului menționat necesită resurse și eforturi uriașe, precum și o activitate ce presupune concentrarea forțelor pe toate direcțiile.  S-a împământenit regula că «Dacă vrei să afli viitorul țării, uită-te la drumurile acesteia».  Comunicațiile rutiere au o deosebită semnificație pentru realizarea legăturilor și schimburilor.  În timpurile străvechi majoritatea orașelor noastre mari erau situate de-a lungul Marelui Drum al Mătăsii.

Orientându-ne către ideea noastră generală pe plan național de «Mangilik El» am transformat calea dezvoltării independenței noastre în «Nurly Zhol».  Trebuie să ne consolidăm unitatea și să lucrăm în permanență în scopul asigurării unui viitor prosper.  «Mangilik El» reprezintă forța unificatoare a națiunii, un izvor nesecat de energie.  Este un piedestal neclintit de idei nu numai pentru strategia «Kazahstan 2050», ci și pentru statul Kazahstan din secolul XXI.  Noul Patriotism Kazahstanez – acesta este «Mangilik El»!  Este o valoare măreață a întregii societăți kazahstaneze.

Noțiunea puternică de «Mangilik El» include și tributul respectului pentru istoria noastră, și mândria pentru fericirea noastră din prezent, și încrederea într-un viitor prosper.  Dragostea de țară reprezintă respectul unei moșteniri mărețe primite de la strămoși, păstrarea acesteia ca pe lumina ochilor, aducerea propriei contribuții, dezvoltarea acesteia și transmiterea către generațiile ce vor urma.  Acesta este adevăratul sens al eforturilor tuturor kazahstanezilor!

Atât ideea noastră națională, cât și rădăcinile statului nostru arată că toate aceste lucruri provin din istoria străveche.  Unitatea poporului conferă ideii naționale viabilitate și durabilitate.  Acolo unde nu există unitate, în schimb există dușmănie, niciodată nu a fost dusă la îndeplinire ideea națională.  Unitatea și belșugul reprezintă principala bază a ascensiunii Kazahstanului către vârf și a cuceririi de noi înălțimi.

Am atins performanțele actuale datorită înțelegerii noastre conștientizate a ideii de stabilitate.  Fără a aduce vreun prejudiciu celorlalți, ci prin respect față de alte limbi și religii, prin acordarea de condiții egale pentru toți cetățenii ne dezvoltăm stabilitatea.  Moștenirea și învățătura pe care dorim să o transmitem generațiilor viitoare trebuie să devină principala noastră bogăție: Unitatea poporului.  Trebuie să le insuflăm tuturor aceste valori la nivel național.

Anul 2015 este un an aniversar pentru înălțarea istoriei noastre naționale și pentru evaluarea actualelor înălțimi atinse.  Vom sărbători 550 de ani de la înființarea Hanatului Kazah, 20 de ani de la crearea Adunării Poporului din Kazahstan și adoptarea Constituției noastre și 70 de ani de la Marea Victorie.  Aceste etape istorice au o semnificație deosebită în educarea generației în spiritul noului Patriotism Kazahstanez.  Am declarat anul 2015 ca an al Adunării Poporului din Kazahstan.

Integritatea și unitatea, pacea și înțelegerea poporului – acestea sunt obiectivele principale.

Unitatea poporului reprezintă cheia succeselor noastre comune.

Modelul kazahstanez de dezvoltare stabilă reprezintă la ora actuală un model pentru întreaga lume.  Prin sărbătorirea a 25 de ani de independență a Kazahstanului și prin asigurarea succesului expoziției internaționale EXPO-2017 vom dovedi întregii lumi care este potențialul țării noastre.  Fie ca drumul nostru măreț să fie încununat de succes, iar viitorul să fie luminos.

Vă doresc tuturor succes în îndeplinirea dezideratului conținut în mesajul «Nurly Zhol»!



Zimbabwe has become the first African country to be nominated as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION. The decision has being taken by European Council on Tourism and Trade, the main european body entrusted to promote European tourism in the world.

The decision was announced by the President Office of European Council on Tourism and Trade at the end of two day`s of debates on the occasion of European spring 2014 tourism conference.   

On May 3, 2014 in a public séance of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, gathering representatives of tourism organizations from European continent has debated the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2014.

President Anton Caragea declares Zimbabwe as winner of World Best Tourist Destination Award fro 2014

President of European Council on Tourism and Trade declares ZIMBABWE as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2014

On the debate for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2014, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) presented the report titled: ZIMBABWE: THE PERFECT AFRICAN DESTINATION. A SEVEN WONDER IN TOURISM AND CULTURAL POTENTIAL proposing ZIMBABWE as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2014 and as receiver of FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION distinction for 2014.

Delegates from 26 countries attended ECTT gathering

Delegates from 27 countries debated the future of tourism for a two day summit.

Among the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2014 to ZIMBABWE the report outlined:

–                      The peerless organization of World Tourism Organization General Assembly in 24-30 August 2013, the world gathering of tourism experts comprising more than 120 countries.

The successful organizing of this world event, despite tremendous logistic and economic challenges, proves without a doubt the capacity of Zimbabwe authority and tourism industry to organize world level events and to host all level of tourism.

After the perfect support and creative vision in carving a successful world tourism meeting,  ZIMBABWE has unequivocal demonstrated that is a safe, open and perfect managed tourism power house.

–                      The promotion and support offered to a new concept of community natural protection supporting tourism friendly to nature, with low ecological impact and preservation of natural biodiversity and protection of endangered species and areas, especially rainforest south-African eco-climate.

Community based ecotourism protection carved by Minister Walter Mzembi is a perfect way to share revenues and income, to support rural communities in prospering and presenting their foodstuff and handicrafts to the world and to make eco-tourism as the base for an economic local development.                  Sharing tourism benefits to all the population, offering eco-friendly tourism it is a lesson that REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE is offering to the world.

Delegates from 27 countries attended ECTT gathering


–                      Offering to tourists and outstanding and pristine nature and the opportunity to explore nature, to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to visit extraordinary space such as: the unique landscape of Victoria Waterfall, the National Parks as: Mana, Eastern Highlands from Manicaland, Mana Basins from West Mashonaland, Exfoliated Hills from Matebeland, Chilojo Cliffs, and Matobo Hills from Bulawayo etc.

All this regions and natural parks are model of achievements in ecological and green tourism that must be world recognized.

–                      The continuous development and protection of cultural and historical patrimony of Republic of Zimbabwe, the transformation of Harare in a historical and spiritual center offering to the visitor a glimpse into rich culture and heritage of  people’s of Zimbabwe

–                      The preservation of an outstanding historical and cultural patrimony that comprises wonderful sites such as: cultural, historical and rich legacy of Great Kingdom of Zimbabwe, the preservation of the former capital of Shone Kingdom-Great Zimbabwe in Masvingo area with a world-class fortification system and palatial complex from 12th century, this are offering a rare insight  for tourists into one of the greatest civilization of pre-colonial Africa and a rare window into traditions of centuries.

–                      Today, REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE is creating and offering for tourists an open air museum, a rare collection of historical and archeological treasures that educate and enrich the world.

Zimbabwe World Best Tourist Destination for 2014

REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE is from 3 May 2014 the official winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2014.

–                      – The preservation of  cultural and natural sites of world significance and value such as: Great Zimbabwe National Monument (added to UNESCO list in 1986), Khami Ruins National Monument (added to UNESCO list in 1986), Matobo Hills (added to UNESCO list in 2003), Mana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas (added to UNESCO list in 1984), Mosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls and UNESCO candidate regions as: Ziwa national monuments dating from Stone Age period with an incomparable contribution to world legacy.

–                      The REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE is today a hot spot for adventure tourism offering a large area of regions suitable for this special kind of tourism and the necessary infrastructure to welcome adventure sicker, the safety structures and natural potential to rank amongst the top world adventure spots.

–                      Keeping alive spiritual tradition, integrating tourist`s and visitors in the atmosphere of the REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE people, offering possibility for an enriching cultural experience, are all achievements that transform REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE in a spiritual first class destination.

President Anton Caragea and Group of Arabian ambassadors

The Group of Arab Ambassadors attended the General Assembly of European Council on Tourism and Trade 

After hearing the report, Senator Ionel Agrigoroaiei, from Romanian Parliament and Director of European Parliamentary Committee in European Council on Tourism and Trade had express the feeling’s of all present at the gathering declaring that: REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE  is the perfect candidate, with a perfect record of promoting eco-friendly tourism, ecological and social oriented tourism and that only a unanimity vote in favor of REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE could express the unwavering European tourism and economic community support in favor of such a world model.

Mr. Victor Deleanu, ECTT  rapporteur,  presented also a report on ZIMBABWE: HOT SPOT OF ADVENTURE TOURISM reiterating the highest praises for the country safety record and infrastructure and hospitality industry achievements that are making Zimbabwe the perfect destination in Africa.

President Caragea and Qatar Ambassador

Ambassador of State of Qatar attended the General Assembly of European Council on Tourism and Trade 

Mr. Mihai Prundianu, Chairman of Trade Mission of ECTT also highlighted the importance that today, when Africa is celebrated 50 years of African Unity, Europe must express his commitment and appreciation for Africa by crowning ZIMBABWE as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION AND WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2014.

In the end of the debate European Council on Tourism and Trade decided, unanimously, to award WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2014 TITLE TO REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE and to declare REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE -FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in 2014.

President Anton Caragea has a photo taken with participants1

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President of European Council on Tourism and Trade has a photo taken with the participants. 

It was also presented the Official Invitation, on behalf of Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality of REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE for a delegation of European high-ranking official of European Council on Tourism and Trade, to present theWORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD in Harare, in person, to His Excellency President of REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE –ROBERT GABRIEL MUGABE the most outstanding personality of today Africa.

President Anton Caragea has a photo taken with participants

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President of European Council on Tourism and Trade has a photo taken with the participants. 

Awarding the highest world tourism prize of European Council on Tourism and Trade, accepting the invitation for a working visit of high-ranking members of European Council on Tourism and Trade in REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE, are all momentous and felicitous occasions that are offering the symbol of admiration that    all tourism experts are having for the potential and future of tourism in REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE  concluded at the end of the meeting Professor Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade.



Between 15 and 23 October 2011 a six member delegation from European Council on International Relations ( EUCIR ) headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, director of IRICE had paid an official visit in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea speaking for world tourism leaders gathered in Port of Spain ceremony.

The European Union delegation was invited to attend the World Travel Award Ceremony held in Port of Spain, where Trinidad and Tobago received the title of Best Destination for 2012.

European Union had being instrumental in awarding this title and the right to organize this International Tourism Festival and Prime Minister Kamla Pershad Bissessar had publicly expressed appreciation for professor Anton Caragea vote, as European Council on International Relations  representative, in favor of Trinidad and Tobago.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister H.E. Kamla Parshad Bessassar

The European Union delegation held talks on developing relations on tourism, industry and culture with Republic of Trinidad and Tobago with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Tourism – Rupert Griffith, Minister of Trade and Industry, Minister of Energy, President of Parliament of Tobago-Hon. Orville London and Minister of Science and Technology–Senator Fazal Karim etc.

The agreements reached varied from: the announcement of visa requirements relaxation for EU citezens for all type of passports and all type of travel for European citizens for a stay of 90 days, agreements for jointly established post university courses on diplomacy and tourism and agreements on tourism cooperation and on mutual investment protection.

On the side line of the official meetings professor Anton Caragea meet General Manager Russell George of Hyatt Hotel Chains discussing ways for fostering tourism investment of Hyatt in Romania.

The European Union delegation had also an impressive cultural program including touring the islands of Trinidad and Tobago , fort George , Mount George , Rain Forest Reserve, Maracas Beach etc. and participating in Divali Festival official opening etc.

The visit has concluded with an official meeting of European Council on International Relations delegation with Prime Minister Kamla Parshad Bissessar, the main political figure of the island.

Prime minister stressed the importance of the first high level talks between European Council on International Relations and Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and important agreements reached by the parties and praised European Council on International Relations visionary decision of supporting Trinidad and Tobago international candidature.

In his response Professor Dr. Anton Caragea highlighted the impressive development of Trinidad and Tobago in tourism industry, economic sustainable development and energy market regulation. Trinidad and Tobago is a safe country, democratically  advanced and an interesting market for investments and European Council on International Relations is glad to have a strong partner on the other side of the Atlantic .

The visit was an important diplomatic success in European Council on International Relations desire to foster relations with the nations of South America region and was the first high level visit in the latest 10 years in a South American country.



On 19 October 2011, in the framework of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade official delegation  visit to Republic of Trinidad and Tobago , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of   European Union Council on Tourism and Trade bestow upon people and government of Trinidad and Tobago the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 and declared Trinidad and Tobago as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2012.

Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago received the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 on the behalf of people and government of Trinidad and Tobago.

The impressive ceremony held in Port of Spain, capital of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was held under the auspices of Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith and under the High Patronage of Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago .

The most important touristic event of the year, the announcement of the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012, had attracted a large audience of ministers, parliamentary and tourism professionals eager to find out the reasons for selecting Trinidad and Tobago as the winner of the prestigious award for next year.

The spectacle was opened by a traditional Trinidad and Tobago dance full of fire and spirit   fallowed by a presentation of important achievements obtained in tourism by Trinidad and Tobago during last year, presentation held by Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith.

Speeches where held also by Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu –Director of European Tourism Academy who praised Minister of Tourism impressive results that are highlighting Trinidad and Tobago as a powerful cultural and tourist center in the world.

In the same line Dr. Petru Lificiu, Vice-President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade had underscored the significance of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION as an instrument in promoting free and fair tourism, ecologically friendly and opened to cultural values.

Finally, in the long awaited moment, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of   European Union Council on Tourism and Trade, had unveiled the reasons for proclaiming Trinidad and Tobago as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012.

Among the reasons he emphasizes the cultural and historic values preserved by Trinidad and Tobago, the abundance of natural reserves, protected areas, and ecologically friendly tourist programs.

In the applause of the assistance   Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago received the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 on the behalf of people and government of Trinidad and Tobago.

In her speech Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar emphasize the decision taken by here government to believe in the future of Trinidad and Tobago as a tourist destination, to support development of tourism as an alternative way of economic development and expressed here gratitude towards European Union Council on Tourism and Trade   delegation for support and trust in the future of tourism in Trinidad and Tobago.

Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Under an explosion of applause  Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago ask for a vote of thanks and obtained a unanimity of appreciation for her dedication in promoting tourism and obtaining the prestigious WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012  for her country and people.

The ceremony had concluded with the presentation of the new television spot carved by Ministry of Tourism to promote in 2012 the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION – Trinidad and Tobago.



The award of World’s Best Tourist Destination will significantly assist in branding destination Trinidad and Tobago globally. We must change the perception of our country in the overseas markets. We must celebrate our country and work hard to sell our country abroad. It is anticipated that this award will open us to untapped European markets that are perhaps weary of the traditional leisure destinations and desire a more exciting vacation experience.

Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 

Date: Wednesday October 19, 2011

Venue: Regency Hall-  Hyatt Regency Trinidad

Time: 12.30pm

I am indeed truly humbled and deeply honoured to be standing here today to accept, on behalf of the People of Trinidad and Tobago, the World’s Best Tourism Destination Award for 2012 from the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade. A non-governmental organisation, this body has a wide ranging membership of tourism representatives within the European Union.  

We were also declared the World’s Favourite Cultural Destination in 2012 by the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade.  

It is my understanding that this award was unanimously given to Trinidad and Tobago primarily for our history of impressive cultural festivals, environmental conservation and biodiversity protection amongst other factors.  

It is not an award that is traditionally given to well-established tourism destinations but it is the highest honour awarded to non-European Union countries that have embraced sustainable tourism as a tool for cultural and social development and that respect and preserve their cultural and natural heritage.  

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade for having us join other distinguished winners of this award such as the United Arab Emirates, Syria and South Koreea. 

But moreover, I thank the Council for recognising what most of us fail to acknowledge and value. And this is … Trinidad and Tobago is brim-full with tourism potential.  

We are not the traditional sun, sea and surf destination. What differentiates us from the rest of our Caribbean neighbours is our diverse and rich natural, cultural and built heritage.  

This People’s Partnership Government is seriously committed and dedicated to the development of the tourism industry in Trinidad and Tobago. Tourism is an incredibly important pillar in our national economic diversification effort.  

We are not paying “lip service” to the industry as some may have done in the past. For too long tourism has been looked down on as a second class service sector. 

We recognise that tourism is a business and fiercely competitive. Tourism requires skills, talent, enterprise and more importantly the support of government. 

The award of World’s Best Tourist Destination for 2012 is important for several reasons.  

Firstly, it facilitates the formation of closer linkages with Europe for tourism, trade and investment possibilities. The European continent, as in its colonial past, is a formidable trading partner especially with the fall of communism and the rise of new economic powers.  

Europe is, and will certainly continue to be, a cornerstone for our international business.  

Ladies and gentlemen,  

The economic and social advancement of this beautiful twin island Republic of ours depends to a large extent on how well we develop and harness our resources. And one such untapped resource is that of tourism.  

The award of World’s Best Tourist Destination will significantly assist in branding destination Trinidad and Tobago globally. We must change the perception of our country in the overseas markets. We must celebrate our country and work hard to sell our country abroad.  

It is anticipated that this award will open us to untapped European markets that are perhaps weary of the traditional leisure destinations and desire a more exciting vacation experience.

Ladies and Gentlemen,  

An important opportunity that this award presents is a platform to advance the commitments of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). 

As many of you may or may not be aware, in 2008 Trinidad and Tobago, along with its neighbours in the rest of the region, embarked upon a reciprocal trade agreement with one of our largest trading partners – the European Union (EU). The signing of the EPA signalled a shift in our trade and economic development. 

We are now required to open our markets to Eastern Union manufacturers and service providers; but the EPA also provides market access for our country’s export of services to the European Union.  

The Economic Partnership Agreement also speaks to specific disciplines on tourism services because of its importance to the social and economic development of the European Union and the Caribbean. These rules are complemented by a commitment to legally binding open market conditions for each other. For instance, the Europe Union has made commitments for travel agencies, tour operators, tourist guides services.  

Trinidad and Tobago, on the other hand, have made commitments in relation to hotels and restaurants, marina services and spa services.  

The EPA also includes measures that would make it easier for European Union investors to invest in the Trinidad and Tobago. This award, then, will provide a platform to attract increased investment and to promote growth and development in the tourism sector. The Economic Partnership Agreement is, therefore, rendered more relevant, more strategic and more focused on deliverables.

Honorable Prime Minister Kamla Pershad Bissessar receives WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD  for 2012.

The World’s Best Tourism Destination award will, moreover, engender a measure of national pride amongst our citizenry and raise the level of public confidence in Trinidad and Tobago as a tourist destination. 

We should be proud of our country and its tourism potential. We have so much to be proud of, so much to share with each other, and so much to show off to the rest of the world. Let us not doubt or question our intrinsic value.

In closing, ladies and gentlemen, I must take a moment to publicly acknowledge the hard work and sacrifices of our tourism community … the stakeholders in our midst. The last few years have been quite challenging for all in the tourism industry. 

But rest assured that the tourism industry will get the backing it needs. 

But we cannot do it alone. We have all to work together. The private sector in the lead but with government acting as a facilitator; supporting every step of the way.

I want to urge you to continue working with commitment, energy and enthusiasm for the betterment of the tourism industry. 

I thank you. God’s richest blessings on us all.



On 9th of October 2011 in a public séance of the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade gathering, representatives of tourism organizations from EU members country it was debated the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012.

Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy, had presented a report on the last year situation of the Award for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION that was dedicated to United Arab Emirates and it was used accordingly with rules and regulations and have being proving highly efficient in attracting new tourists and investor attentions as United Arab Emirates was the ONLY country in the region that registered an increase in number of visitors despite tensions in the region.

On the debate for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION  AWARD FOR 2012 professor dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade ( ECTT) presented the report titled : TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO : A SUCCESS STORY IN TOURISM proposing TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012.

Among the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012 to TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO the report outlined:

   –  Respecting cultural patrimony and traditions in offering to tourists a possibility to participate in impressive paraphernalia festivals such as: Holi, Hosay, Divali, Corpus Christi, Eid Al Fitr and special Tobago Heritage Festival Tobago Fest and Trinidad GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH etc.

Keeping alive spiritual traditions , integrating tourist and visitors in the atmosphere of the islands , offering possibility of an enriching cultural experience are achievements that transform Trinidad and Tobago in a spiritual destination of first hand.

–                      Promoting Trinidad and Tobago environmental protection, especially East Coast natural patrimony of wetlands, beaches and ecological and geographical biodiversity that make Trinidad and Tobago unique in the region. Supporting a new concept of tourism friendly to nature, with low nature impact and preservation of natural biodiversity and protection of endangered species and areas, especially rainforest eco-climate.

–                      Offering to tourists not only cultural experience or relaxation opportunities but also the possibility to explore nature , to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to observed in Tobago the impressive Forest Reserve are model achievements in ecological tourism that must be world appreciated.

–                      The continuous development and protection of cultural and historical patrimony of Trinidad and Tobago, the transformation of Port of Spain in an historical center offering to the visitor a glimpse into rich culture of Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean heritage.

–                      Offering to the tourist a large area of cultural and ecological impressive programs such as: Wildlife Photography in places such El Tucuche Reserve, Valencia Wildlife Sanctuary, Caroni Bird Sanctuary. Cave exploration (in splendid places such as Gasparee Caves).Cycling, Hiking (Argyle Waterfall –a special destination), Kayaking (Paria bay and Tobago area).

For all this reasons European Union Council on Tourism and Trade decided, unanimously, to award WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012 TITLE TO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO and to declare TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO- FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATIONS in 2012.

It was also presented the Official Invitation, on behalf of Ministry of Tourism of TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO for a delegation of European high ranking official of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade, to present the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD in Port of Spain, in person, to His Excellency Minister of Tourism DR. RUPERT GRIFFITH.

Awarding the highest tourism distinction of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade, the invitation for an working visit of high ranking members of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade in TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO are estimated by European tourism experts as a good example of close tourism relations and mutual appreciation   between European Union and Trinidad and Tobago, said at the end of the meeting Professor Anton Caragea, President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade.



Academic Committee of European Council on International Relations make the  decision to award one of the highest European cultural and political distinctions to H.E. Emamoli Rahmon, President of Tajikistan

A public séance of the Academic Committee of European Council on International Relations took place at the headquarters of European Council on International Relations .

 On this session it was make public the decision of the Academic Committee of European Council on International Relations to award one of the highest European cultural and political distinctions to H.E. Emamoli Rahmon, President of Tajikistan.

In rare ceremony, members of academic core, intellectuals and political leaders witnessed the signing ceremony of the Official Decree no. 648 establishing the awarding of LEADER OF XXI CENTURY – INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION TITLE   to President of Tajikistan   – H.E. Emomali Rahmon .

On this occasion professor dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on International Relations, held a short speech about the meanings of this important event:   This title is seldom awarded and only after a very carefully examination, as the receivers are leaders of the century, there work all thou concentrated in a year is reflecting decades of actions and achievements with positive influence over peoples and countries. Plus we have to defend not only the prize prestige but also the importance of our European Council on International Relations an institution , considered this year as the second in importance Institute of International Relations in the world.

Among the reasons leading to awarding LEADER OF XXI CENTURY AWARD to President Emomali Rahmon   the Academic Committee of   European Council on International Relations has taken under consideration the following :

–        Promoting   internal unity of Tajikistan , combating corruption, and promoting respect for   human dignity, clean governance and free media and supporting the construction of the edifice of democracy in Tajikistan with human rights, assured liberties and social justice and protection program`s .

–        Constructing a sustainable economic growth in Tajikistan   , a rapid economic development and the construction of a solid free market economy based in the same time on the correct income distribution and with a highly development of social protection sectors.

– The continuous development of social base of Tajik people by investing in health and education sectors , investment and support that is responding to the most sacred and untouchable human rights such as the right to health ,education and productive life.

–                      Promoting Tajikistan environmental protection and historical Dushanbe resurgence and promoting economic cooperation with European Union are excellent endeavor’s that support the future of Tajikistan.

–                      The continuous development and protection of cultural and historical patrimony of Tajik people, the transformation of Dushanbe in the pivotal connection center between Europe and Asia and in a light-house of     development for the entire region.

–         Continuously supporting peace and security on world stage and in the

Central Asia region by important and internationally resounding actions such as transforming Tajikistan in a secure state, with safe borders.

The public séance of the Academic Committee of European Council on International Relations took place at the headquarters of European Council on International Relations

In response, Ambassador of Tajikistan to European Union, H.E. Rustamjon Soliev expressed his gratitude to the decision taken by the Academic Committee of   European Council on International Relations to award one of the highest European cultural and political distinction to H.E. Emamoli Rahmon , President of Tajikistan. He also presented the Official Invitation, on behalf of Government of Tajikistan, for a delegation of  European academics, high ranking official of European Council on International Relations, to present the LEADER OF XXI CENTURY AWARD   in Dushanbe, in person, to His Excellency President Emamoli Rahmon of Tajikistan

Awarding the highest cultural and political distinction of European Council on International Relations, the invitation for an working visit of high ranking members of European Council on International Relations in Tajikistan are  estimated  by European cultural, academic and political elite as a good example of close relations  between European Union and Tajikistan, said at the end of the meeting Professor Anton Caragea, President of European Council on International Relations.



Between 25-26 July 2011 Ambassador of Tajikistan to European Union , Rustamjon Soliev  ,  had made an working visit to Romania at the invitation of Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on International Relations  in order to further develop the bilateral relation and offer new dimensions to economical, cultural and political dialogue between Tajikistan  , European Union and Romania .

His Excellency Ambassador Rustamjon Soliev – Ambassador of Republic of Tajikistan to European Union

In the framework of the visit Ambassador Soliev paid special attention to de-frozen  the economic dimension of the relations between the two countries.

Ambassador of Tajikistan had arranged meetings with Romanian Chamber of Commerce President and European Union Bilateral  Chambers of Commerce Vice-President , Director of Romanian Investment Agency  and Ministry of Economy and other Romanian economic officials .

The parties expressed the common desire of re-launch the bilateral relations by mutual assured investment , development of trade and tourism . Romanian side express the desire , in accordance with Tajikistan Ambassador views ,  to have an Romanian ( EU) – Tajikistan Economic Forum , to have Tajikistan investment in Romanian tourist sites and to have practical offers for investment in Tajikistan .

In the meetings  held by Ambassador Soliev  at Energy Minister , Romania offered technical expertise for rehabilitation of Tajikistan energy system and also expressed interest in programs for solar and wind energy exploitation in Tajikistan .

In all the meetings Ambassador Rustamjon Soliev received official congratulation on the appointment of President of Tajikistan, Emamoli Rahmon for the prestigious European Award of LEADER OF XXI CENTURY , the Romanian side underlining  that this famous award is the expression of Tajikistan new position of strength in the world and also an incentive for foreign investors to seek closer economical and political relations  with Tajikistan , as the prize is awarded as a proof of European confidence in a country and a leader.

In a special meeting at the European Council on International Relations Headquarters Ambassador Rustamjon Soliev presented for an impressive audience of academics , politicians, diplomats and foreign observers , a report about Tajikistan development today .

The report was based on the masterpiece book TAJIK ARTS AND CRAFTS THROUGH THE CENTURIES by Hamrokhon Zarifi , Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan and highlighted the cultural richness  and lofty tradition  of the country. From Alexander the Great to Silk Road and today development and beauties of Tajikistan under President Emomali Rahmon economic and social reform program , the complete image of Tajikstan was presented in the Ambassador Soliev report .

Ambassador Soliev and european academics.

In the official audience granted by President of European Council on International Relations , professor Dr. Anton Caragea to Ambassador Soliev  the parties expressed the determination to boost cultural and academic relations, to create a framework for cultural and political dialogue and to organize an art exhibition : TAJIKISTAN IN THE HEART OF SILK ROAD  based on the art crafts presented in the book of   Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan ,  Hamrokhon Zarifi.

The parties had agreed a calendar of mutual consultation to search for new ways of fostering European Union – Tajikistan relations  but also Romania-Tajikistan relation.

The cultural dimension of bilateral Romania- European Union-Tajikistan relation was underlined also by meetings at Ministry of Culture and by visit of Ambassador Soliev Rustamjon Abdulloevich   to the oldest ethnographic museum in Eastern Europe : Village Museum of Romania .

The two day visit succeeded , after  a long time, to recreate a new dimension of European Union – Tajikistan relation.In addition in August 2011 a delegation of high ranking officials of European Council on International Relations are expected to arrive in Tajikistan for a working visit.

Solid discussion on economy, culture and political agenda create a new framework and the Romanian side expressed, at the end of the visit of Ambassador Soliev , the desire for a continuity in this fruitful dialogue and for new ways according with the concepts of XXI century diplomacy to develop the bilateral relation in the framework of European Union .



On 23 June 2011 in the presence of Diplomatic Corp accredited to Romania and European officials it was unveiled the International Exhibition : DANUBE & DANUBE DELTA under the High Patronage of the European Council on International Relations .


Professor Dr. Anton Caragea – President of European Council on International Relations opening the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DANUBE AND DANUBE DELTA

It is the first edition of such an exhibition and as the organizers are stating it hopes to provide real support in erecting a platform to encourage and support fostering new initiatives and partnerships between local and regional authorities , private and state entities , environmental protection foundation in order to further develop the economic power of the Danube region .

The opening speech of the International Conference : DANUBE AND DANUBE DELTA : OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES was held by Professor Anton Caragea who offered his High Patronage to the event had presented the main objectives of the Conference: to mark 29 June 2011 as the official International Day of Danube , to emphasize the economic dimension of Danube as the second European rivers , crossing 10 countries , uniting 4 capitals and constructing a water way between North Sea and Black Sea and offering an avenue for more than 100 billions exchanges on goods and services .

Taking in consideration this economic dimension of Danube is absolutely vital for European Union and for Romania that is receiving 28, 9% percent of the length of the Danube, to transform this in economic opportunity and constructing international partnership not only with riverbanks’ country but with Mediterranean area countries, stated in his opening speech professor dr. Anton Caragea . 

The INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION DANUBE AND DANUBE DELTA (23-26 June 2011 ) opened under the High Patronage of European Council on International Relations.

Dr. Petru Lificiu, Vice-president of National Agency for Energy and President of Ecological Forum had presented in his speech the importance of economic development of Danube in the framework of environmental protection and also emphasize the importance of energy and transportation exploitation of Danube shores .

The main focus of the conference was offered by United Arab Emirates and State of Qatar ambassadors’ assessment of the Danube Delta and Danube potential after participating in the diplomatic trip along the Danube. 

Huge european presence at the opening ceremony.

H.E Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani – United Arab Emirates Ambassador to Romania focused his speech in assessment of the economical and environmental opportunities of Danube and Danube Delta and the practical dimension of his trip for observing area of interest for investors from United Arab Emirates . Also Ambassador Yacoub Yousef al Hosani expressed his appreciation towards the European Council on International Relations and President Anton Caragea for hosting this trip and for opening the magic gates of a UNESCO heritage site as valuable as Danube Delta and in such a short span of time to organize and an international conference on Danube and Danube Delta.

H.E Salem al Jaber- Ambassador of State of Qatar underlined his complete appreciation toward the observation and insightful analyses of Danube and Danube Delta offered by United Arab Emirates Ambassador stating also that now they are sharing a friendship cemented by waters of Danube , that according to legend make the perfect friendship .

Instead his speech will be directed toward concrete proposal such as including Danube Delta among the national flag carrier destination, including Mr. Petru Lificiu`s book as the travel guide for the area and offering support for state investment in tourism area in Danube region. He also expressed his gratitude for European Council on International Relations for offering this conference to European public.

At the end of the conference officials and ambassadors made the honor tour of the International Exhibition on Danube and Danube Delta admiring the marvelous objects presented in the exhibition and receiving a complementary book of Natural Patrimony of Romania by Mr. Petru Lificiu, book that was honored with Romania Book Award for 2011.



Hundreds of the Syrian and foreign nationals on Sunday gathered near the American Embassy in Damascus calling upon the USA to abstain from meddling in Syria’s internal affairs.

The demonstrators carried banners condemning the policy of double standards adopted by the USA towards Syria as it turns a blind eye to the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

The demonstrators also condemned the USA violations of the human rights in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq, and the secret prisons which spread across the world, calling on Washington to pay attention to its internal affairs, and to solve its humanitarian problems before giving lessons about freedom and human rights.

Engineer Wael Iskander said ” I came from Lattakia to participate in this demonstration to say ‘No’ to America and the policy of chaos which it wants to spread in the region,” stressing that the Syrian people will foil the conspiracy.

For her part, Russian citizen Resalat said “I have participated in all the demonstrations and sit-ins to call on America and other parties to abstain from interfering in the Syrian affairs…I live among the Syrians and I know that they don’t accept injustice, and they will refute all the lies.”

Citizen, Basel Bassal, said “We came to the American Embassy to condemn the USA constant interference in other country’s affairs,” indicating that all the plots and conspiracies against Syria will be thwarted due to the national unity of the Syrian people.