Monthly Archives: April 2015



European Council on International Relations is determined to promote the values of fairness, open society, free and fair elections and democratic developments by using the example of countries with a positive track record on democratic evolution`s like Kazakhstan.

To this aim it was published a new version of the website:DEMOCRATIC KAZAKHSTAN. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2015.

In 2011, with the support of European organizations and European Council on International Relations, a first version of the site was dedicated to the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2011, in support of democratic development of Kazakhstan.

The informational site is destined to offer to political analysis, experts, electoral experts a valid insight in the democratic process taking hold in Kazakhstan.

In this moment no real and trust wordy organization is involved in presenting the valid analysis on the strong democratic process created by Kazakhstan and the information available is on the junk category, considers on a rightful base the Kazakh News

This lack of serious information’s must be addressed with new and perfect directed info.

The accumulates several services including: international ad national news, discussion, videos and related information’s.

On April 20, 2015, the website will unveil the first international pre-election monitoring report on Kazakhstan Presidential Elections 2015 and the website will also offer to the readers a final report and analysis on Kazakhstan Presidential Election 2015.