Category Archives: Romania



Pentru a sublinia puterea legăturii strategice şi de destin ce uneşte România şi Kazahstanul, în acord cu conducerea  Institutului de Relaţii Internaţionale şi Cooperare Economică, s-a decis ca în data de 6 decembrie 2014, Senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei să prezinte în faţa Parlamentului României, Mesajul adresat de Preşedintele Kazahstanului-Nursultan Nazarbayev cu ocazia lansării unei noi politici economice pentru ţara sa-Nurly Zhol (Calea Luminoasa).


Senator Agrigoroaei la sedinta Parlamentului

Senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei prezinta parlamentarilor mesajul Nurly Zhol al Presedintelui Republicii Kazahstan-Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei a fost ales să dea citire acestui mesaj datorită faptului că este liderul de eficienţa al Parlamentului României, ales drept cel mai bun parlamentar pentru doi ani consecutiv pentru activitatea sa în sfera diplomaţiei parlamentare.

Trebuie să menţionăm că este pentru prima dată în istoria  României când mesajul unui lider internaţional este prezentat în faţa Parlamentului, ceea ce reprezintă o dovadă clară a relaţiei strategice ce uneşte ţara noastră de Kazahstan şi  dar şi a admiraţiei nutrite de elita politică a României pentru personalitatea liderului kazah, creatorul Kazahstanului modern-Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Va prezentăm selecţiuni din mesajul Preşedintelui Republicii Kazahstan- Nursultan Nazarbayev prezentat de senatorul Ionel Agrigoroaei în faţa Parlamentului României


 Kazakhstan President


La ora actuală lumea se confruntă cu noi riscuri și provocări.  Economia mondială nu și-a revenit, încă suportă consecințele crizei financiare și economice globale.  Redresarea se produce într-un ritm foarte lent și lipsit de siguranță, iar pe alocuri declinul continuă și astăzi.  Criza geopolitică și politica statelor dezvoltate în ceea ce privește aplicarea de sancțiuni creează impedimente suplimentare pentru redresarea economiei mondiale.

Bazându-mă pe propria experiență, presimt că în următorii ani ne vom confrunta cu o serie de încercări pe plan global.  Se va modifica întreaga arhitectură a lumii.  Nu toate țările vor putea depăși cu demnitate această etapă complicată.  Acest hotar îl vor traversa doar statele puternice și popoarele unite.  Kazahstanul, ca parte integrantă a economiei mondiale și ca stat aflat în imediata vecinătate a epicentrului tensiunilor geopolitice resimte impactul negativ al tuturor acestor procese.  În consecință, observăm ce se întâmplă:  scad prețurile pe piețele mondiale, iar creșterea economică la nivel global este lentă. (..)

În urma dispozițiilor mele, Guvernul a finalizat elaborarea unui nou program amplu de dezvoltare.  La ora actuală, ca răspuns la provocările cu care ne confruntăm, declar lansarea unei Noi Politici Economice a Kazahstanului: Nurly Zhol. Acesteia îi dedic noul meu Mesaj către popor pentru anul 2015.  Ea va avea un caracter contracriza și se va concentra pe continuarea reformelor structurale din economia țării noastre.

Având în vedere noile riscuri externe cu care se confruntă dezvoltarea economică, avem nevoie de inițiative noi în vederea stimulării activității de business și ocupării forței de muncă.  Coloana vertebrală a Noii Politici Economice va deveni Planul de Dezvoltare a Infrastructurii, pe care astăzi doresc să îl fac public.  Este un plan pe 5 ani și coincide cu cel de-al Doilea cincinal de implementare a Programului de Dezvoltare Industrial-Inovațională Forțată, la care intenționează să participe peste 100 de companii străine.  Portofoliul total al investițiilor constituie 6 trilioane de tenge, în cadrul acestuia cota statului reprezentând 15%.

Kazahstanul deține un teritoriu de necuprins: pentru survolarea acestuia, unei păsări îi amorțesc aripile.  De aceea implementarea planului menționat necesită resurse și eforturi uriașe, precum și o activitate ce presupune concentrarea forțelor pe toate direcțiile.  S-a împământenit regula că «Dacă vrei să afli viitorul țării, uită-te la drumurile acesteia».  Comunicațiile rutiere au o deosebită semnificație pentru realizarea legăturilor și schimburilor.  În timpurile străvechi majoritatea orașelor noastre mari erau situate de-a lungul Marelui Drum al Mătăsii.

Orientându-ne către ideea noastră generală pe plan național de «Mangilik El» am transformat calea dezvoltării independenței noastre în «Nurly Zhol».  Trebuie să ne consolidăm unitatea și să lucrăm în permanență în scopul asigurării unui viitor prosper.  «Mangilik El» reprezintă forța unificatoare a națiunii, un izvor nesecat de energie.  Este un piedestal neclintit de idei nu numai pentru strategia «Kazahstan 2050», ci și pentru statul Kazahstan din secolul XXI.  Noul Patriotism Kazahstanez – acesta este «Mangilik El»!  Este o valoare măreață a întregii societăți kazahstaneze.

Noțiunea puternică de «Mangilik El» include și tributul respectului pentru istoria noastră, și mândria pentru fericirea noastră din prezent, și încrederea într-un viitor prosper.  Dragostea de țară reprezintă respectul unei moșteniri mărețe primite de la strămoși, păstrarea acesteia ca pe lumina ochilor, aducerea propriei contribuții, dezvoltarea acesteia și transmiterea către generațiile ce vor urma.  Acesta este adevăratul sens al eforturilor tuturor kazahstanezilor!

Atât ideea noastră națională, cât și rădăcinile statului nostru arată că toate aceste lucruri provin din istoria străveche.  Unitatea poporului conferă ideii naționale viabilitate și durabilitate.  Acolo unde nu există unitate, în schimb există dușmănie, niciodată nu a fost dusă la îndeplinire ideea națională.  Unitatea și belșugul reprezintă principala bază a ascensiunii Kazahstanului către vârf și a cuceririi de noi înălțimi.

Am atins performanțele actuale datorită înțelegerii noastre conștientizate a ideii de stabilitate.  Fără a aduce vreun prejudiciu celorlalți, ci prin respect față de alte limbi și religii, prin acordarea de condiții egale pentru toți cetățenii ne dezvoltăm stabilitatea.  Moștenirea și învățătura pe care dorim să o transmitem generațiilor viitoare trebuie să devină principala noastră bogăție: Unitatea poporului.  Trebuie să le insuflăm tuturor aceste valori la nivel național.

Anul 2015 este un an aniversar pentru înălțarea istoriei noastre naționale și pentru evaluarea actualelor înălțimi atinse.  Vom sărbători 550 de ani de la înființarea Hanatului Kazah, 20 de ani de la crearea Adunării Poporului din Kazahstan și adoptarea Constituției noastre și 70 de ani de la Marea Victorie.  Aceste etape istorice au o semnificație deosebită în educarea generației în spiritul noului Patriotism Kazahstanez.  Am declarat anul 2015 ca an al Adunării Poporului din Kazahstan.

Integritatea și unitatea, pacea și înțelegerea poporului – acestea sunt obiectivele principale.

Unitatea poporului reprezintă cheia succeselor noastre comune.

Modelul kazahstanez de dezvoltare stabilă reprezintă la ora actuală un model pentru întreaga lume.  Prin sărbătorirea a 25 de ani de independență a Kazahstanului și prin asigurarea succesului expoziției internaționale EXPO-2017 vom dovedi întregii lumi care este potențialul țării noastre.  Fie ca drumul nostru măreț să fie încununat de succes, iar viitorul să fie luminos.

Vă doresc tuturor succes în îndeplinirea dezideratului conținut în mesajul «Nurly Zhol»!



On the indication of H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea the electronic media, video agencies, printed publications and other mass media from 20 countries had offered excerpts  from the inteview of H.E.Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary  of Kazakhstan to Romania-Mr. Daulet Batrashev.

Kazakhstan President H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev-creator of free Kazakhstan of today and a true leader of Turkic world. 

We have the pleasure of presenting to you the full text of the interview of H.E.Daulet Batrashev-Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan.



Question: Your Excellency just started Your mandate in Romania, as the first ambassador of Kazakhstan to our country. What is the message of Your appointment and Your vision for the bilateral relation?


Answer: Romania-Kazakhstan bilateral relation is evolving rapidly and continuously in the right direction.


I will just emphasize that in 2012, Kazakhstan President took the decision to upgrade the status of the Diplomatic Mission of Kazakhstan to Romania to the Embassy and now, in 2014, I was appointed as the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Your country.

This is a proof that on diplomatic level the trend is clearly ascending.

I will just add to this the fact that “KazMunayGas International” (former Rompetrol) investment is the largest foreign investment of Kazakhstan outside our borders and we have the plan to continue and develop our investment into Romania.


I will reiterate the fact that the Memorandum between the Romanian State and “KMG International” is creating a bilateral investment fund of up to one billion dollars that will dramatically increase and diversify the investments of Kazakhstan into Romanian economy, creating a solid base for our ever developing bilateral relations.


If we add to this, the reality that our political dialogue is based on a perfect understanding and our recent history is paved with moments that are marking our bilateral friendship such as: the Romanian support for Kazakhstan chairmanship at Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the high level presence of Romanian President and Prime Minister at the OSCE summit in Astana 2010 and we have a dynamic view of this relation.


Kazakhstan noted the enthused European support for His Excellency President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s initiative for creating a platform of security and cooperation in Europe and Asia say`s Ambassador Daulet Batrashev in dialogue with President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea MA,FINS, EDA.


We in Kazakhstan noted the enthused support of Romania towards His Excellency President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s initiative for creating a platform of security and cooperation in Europe and Asia, based on the models of OSCE and Shanghai Organization, that could be beneficial to Romania, Kazakhstan and the world.


Concluding, I will underline the fact that Romania and Kazakhstan are starting their journey on the road for a strategic friendship based on our common political vision, economic interests and common foreign policy principles.

„Kazakhstan foreign policy strides for political dialogue, for creating a climate of understanding, dialogue-Ambassador Daulet Batrashev”


Question: What should Romanians know about today`s Kazakhstan. If Your long time history as the country on the Silk Road, of the state of Kazakh Khans of Turkestan is well known and documented, what is the image of today’s Kazakhstan?

Answer: Today Kazakhstan is a vibrant, modern and rapidly developing country.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev envisioned our country as „a Kazakh snow leopard, enriched with Western elegance, multiplied by our high level of development and wisdom and tenacity.”


I could not find a better description of our vision for Kazakhstan of tomorrow.

Kazakhstan of today envisages becoming the main economic hub between Europe and Asia, between the emerging markets of China and the developed Europe.


Kazakhstan hopes to become the main economic hub between Europe and Asia.


This new Silk Road of riches and commerce will stretch a total of 8,445km, with 2,233km in Russia, 2,787km in Kazakhstan, and 3,425km in China. This modern highway will pass through Aktobe, Kyzylorda, South-Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty regions of Kazakhstan.


This European-Chinese connector follows the same caravan routes as the Silk Road, the trade “highway” that ran from China to the Middle East and Europe, and saw its greatest use during the 14 centuries.

The new Silk Road will boost trade, commerce and will better and faster connect the land masses of Europe and Asia and will become not only a viable economic initiative, but will also generate work places, will help people rip benefits and have a better standard of life and by this we will enjoy in our regions political stability and prosperity.

This new Silk Road’s significance is far from just being a bridge of trade and exchange of goods, but will create a better understanding and dialogue causeway between the peoples of Europe and Asia.

I want also to draw Your readers attention towards a new concept launched by Kazakhstan under the name of «Silk Wind» project, by launching container train “China – Kazakhstan – Caspian Sea – Caucasus – Turkey – Europe.

According to the concept craved out by Kazakhstan, we envisage that cargo containers from China by railroad will be delivered to the Kazakh port of Aktau on the Caspian Sea. Then they will be loaded on cargo sea ferry and from here they will go to the Azerbaijani port – to Baku, and then again by railroad to Georgian ports where the fright goods will be delivered to the ports of Europe.


This economic concept build by our country within the framework of the diversification of transport and transit routes, was discussed at the conference “TransEurasia 2014″, during the past VII Astana Economic Forum in May 2014, when we have started building an international investors consensus in bringing to light this “Silk Wind” transnational project.


This commercial and economic initiative was completed in the political arena by President Nazarbayev’s appeal for a better dialogue and a common dialogue between Europe and Asia known as the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Europe and Asia.

This is clearly marking the fact that Kazakhstan foreign policy strives not only for economic development and facilitating creation of trading corridors between Europe and Asia, but also strives for political dialogue, for creating a climate of understanding, dialogue, avoiding tensions and conflicts and creating a platform for dialogue between the countries of Asia and Europe.


Our country’s initiative is based on our successful Chairmanship of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for 2010 and on our prominent track records as members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union.

We are proposing our experience in dialogue and fostering international organization in the service of world peace and development, and we hope that the world is noting this Kazakhstan’s effort.


I would like also to observe our efforts in promoting religious dialogue and better understanding. Necessary to note our successful two year presidency of Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in difficult times, when we helped the Islamic world to concentrate on culture, education and Islamic heritage as unifying factors, as bricks of a better understanding of Islam in the world.


President Nazarbayev brought together representatives of religious denomination from all continents and all corners of the world, in an open and long standing dialogue.

„Convened at the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Astana Religious Conference – CONGRESS OF LEADERS OF WORLD AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS – has become the most impressive and efficient world conference that established inter-religious dialogue”-Ambassador Daulet Batrashev.


But Kazakhstan was not only satisfied to preserve its religious legacy but was actively involved in the research for an open and continuing dialogue of religions and traditional religious leaders. At the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev the Astana Religious Conference – CONGRESS OF LEADERS OF WORLD AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS – has become with the support and presence of all world religious leaders, the most impressive and efficient world conference that established rules and points for inter-religious dialogue.


President Nazarbayev brought together representatives of religious denomination from all continents and all corners of the world, in an open and long standing dialogue.

The fact that this series of meetings continues to be held continuously from 2003 is self expressing.

Our basic ideas where to use this rostrum is to make a statement of peace, concord and tolerance as stable principles of human existence, to obtain the achievement of mutual respect and tolerance between religions, confessions, nations etc and to oppose to the use of religious believes of people for fostering conflicts.


I hope that our ideals develop further and CONGRESS OF LEADERS OF WORLD AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS continues to be a solid landmark in the world of religions.


Question: It is incredible this excurse in what is the role of today`s Kazakhstan in the world, from economy, to foreign policy, culture and dialogue. Your country is continuing leaving a long lasting imprint on the world of today. What are the future plans of Kazakhstan, the heart of Central Asia, for the years to come and Your personal plans for developing Romania-Kazakhstan friendship?


Answer: The future will be undoubtedly bright as we hope to continue all this initiatives destined to develop for Kazakhstan a network of friendship in the world and to enable us to play our role as a force of moderation, democracy and development in the world.


Our main goal is to lead by example. I will recollect, for the benefit of Your readers, the fact that Kazakhstan was the first country in the world to voluntarily relinquish our atomic arsenal, left after the dissolution of Soviet Union, according the Decree from 1991 of H.E. President Nursultan Nazarbayev.


We have, by our own accord, accepted the dismantling of nuclear warheads, the evacuation of material that could be used for nuclear armament and we have stopped nuclear experience in the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.


These are valuable contributions of Kazakhstan to a secure and safer world, a world without nuclear weapons and in 2012 at Seoul Summit we have offered to share our experience to help other nations to embrace the concept of a nuclear weapons free world.


We offer to host a low enriched uranium bank in Kazakhstan under the auspices of the IAEA that will help tackling the issues of nuclear material trafficking and will guarantee the use of nuclear materials for peaceful purpose.


This is another proof of the way that Kazakhstan aims to take action on global stage: leading by force of example.


In our bilateral relations my agenda is rich and amongst my priorities I can enumerate for Your reader’s information the desire to foster our political dialogue, to develop the economical presence of Kazakhstan in Romanian economy on the template of the success that is Rompetrol experience.


“KMG International” is today one of the biggest contributor to Romanian budget with more than 1 billion euro`s annually, offering to Romanian people the possibility for a better life, if we add to this the number of jobs created in Romanian industry and connected jobs, we have a number of around 100.000 jobs offered for Romanian people. I believe that these figures are self-speaking for the beneficial influence that a Kazakh investment is having for the Romanian state.


Kazakhstan it is a wonderful place to visit and to emerge in it.

“We hope that Romanian products find their way to Kazakhstan market”-Ambassador Daulet Batrashev


We can imagine how this relation will be developed, when we start our next investments in Romanian economy, we are already the second foreign investor in Romanian economy and at the end of this investment process we can become the first investor in Your economy.


We are determined also to help Romania balance the bilateral trade with Kazakhstan and we hope that Romanian products find their way to Kazakhstan market. World renowned Romanian products like Romanian wine, agricultural products, high quality industrial products, furniture that is having a long tradition of presence on our market are just a few of the Romanian manufactured products that we will be happy to see on our internal market. Plus I tell the future business partners of Kazakhstan not to forget that our country is the center of a free-tax zone in all Eurasia through the Customs Union so their products find their way not solely to Kazakhstan, but to Russia and Belarus as well.


We are speaking often about the fact that Romania must become the hub for Kazakh products to be spread across Europe and this is equally true for Romanian goods and services that can take advantage of our relaxed laws and regulation and tax free zones and make Kazakhstan the bridge head in conquering, with their products, all of Asia.

It is a daring thought but a realistic one.

I would like to conclude by saying to the Romanian people that You will always have in Kazakhstan a firm and proven friend, and all that we have built in our bilateral relation from economic cooperation, to foreign policy and to diplomacy, must be complemented by people to people interaction.

Kazakhstan is much more than just a normal developed country, it is also a country of wonderful people, of breathtaking scenery and scenic spots, it is a wonderful place to visit and to emerge in it.


Kazakhstan is waiting for You with open arms.



On 9th of October 2011 in a public séance of the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade gathering, representatives of tourism organizations from EU members country it was debated the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012.

Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy, had presented a report on the last year situation of the Award for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION that was dedicated to United Arab Emirates and it was used accordingly with rules and regulations and have being proving highly efficient in attracting new tourists and investor attentions as United Arab Emirates was the ONLY country in the region that registered an increase in number of visitors despite tensions in the region.

On the debate for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION  AWARD FOR 2012 professor dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade ( ECTT) presented the report titled : TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO : A SUCCESS STORY IN TOURISM proposing TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012.

Among the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012 to TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO the report outlined:

   –  Respecting cultural patrimony and traditions in offering to tourists a possibility to participate in impressive paraphernalia festivals such as: Holi, Hosay, Divali, Corpus Christi, Eid Al Fitr and special Tobago Heritage Festival Tobago Fest and Trinidad GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH etc.

Keeping alive spiritual traditions , integrating tourist and visitors in the atmosphere of the islands , offering possibility of an enriching cultural experience are achievements that transform Trinidad and Tobago in a spiritual destination of first hand.

–                      Promoting Trinidad and Tobago environmental protection, especially East Coast natural patrimony of wetlands, beaches and ecological and geographical biodiversity that make Trinidad and Tobago unique in the region. Supporting a new concept of tourism friendly to nature, with low nature impact and preservation of natural biodiversity and protection of endangered species and areas, especially rainforest eco-climate.

–                      Offering to tourists not only cultural experience or relaxation opportunities but also the possibility to explore nature , to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to observed in Tobago the impressive Forest Reserve are model achievements in ecological tourism that must be world appreciated.

–                      The continuous development and protection of cultural and historical patrimony of Trinidad and Tobago, the transformation of Port of Spain in an historical center offering to the visitor a glimpse into rich culture of Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean heritage.

–                      Offering to the tourist a large area of cultural and ecological impressive programs such as: Wildlife Photography in places such El Tucuche Reserve, Valencia Wildlife Sanctuary, Caroni Bird Sanctuary. Cave exploration (in splendid places such as Gasparee Caves).Cycling, Hiking (Argyle Waterfall –a special destination), Kayaking (Paria bay and Tobago area).

For all this reasons European Union Council on Tourism and Trade decided, unanimously, to award WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012 TITLE TO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO and to declare TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO- FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATIONS in 2012.

It was also presented the Official Invitation, on behalf of Ministry of Tourism of TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO for a delegation of European high ranking official of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade, to present the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD in Port of Spain, in person, to His Excellency Minister of Tourism DR. RUPERT GRIFFITH.

Awarding the highest tourism distinction of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade, the invitation for an working visit of high ranking members of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade in TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO are estimated by European tourism experts as a good example of close tourism relations and mutual appreciation   between European Union and Trinidad and Tobago, said at the end of the meeting Professor Anton Caragea, President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade.



On 22 September 2011, in a large ceremony, will be marked the opening of the most ambitious medical project in South East Europe, under the High Patronage of European Council on International Relations: LARA LIFE MED CLINIC .

Lara Med Life Clinic Headquarters

The project is the fruition of European cooperation between MedNord Klinik   from Germany and Romanian Med Clinic and the new medical facility will offer at European Union standards medical assistance in Eastern Europe. The ambitious project is uniting the high proficiency of Romanian medical school and technical knowhow of German Medical environment.

European Council on International Relations had accepted to offer his High Patronage to the new institution as this is an example of trans-European cooperation, is offering medical services for benefit of all European Union members’ states and is improving transnational cooperation.

The 22 September 2011 ceremony will be hosted by UNICEF Ambassador Andreea Marin and H.E President of European Council on International Relations, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and will include a presentation of the new clinic and hospital that will offer services on lab analyses , work medicine , family medicine ,   cardiology, gastro , psychology , ORL, ophthalmology, nutritional disorders , neurology and frontier medicine ( non-invasive ).

The scientific part of the conference will be held by Professor Dr. Norbert Pfuetzenreuter, the founder of MedNord Klinik in Munich, who will present the latest successes of endoscopic surgery (surgery without blood) and Prof.Dr. Ralf Senner from Munich Institute for Study of Nutritional Disorders, who will present the latest achievements in over-weight patient’s treatment and recuperation.

(from left to wright) Minister of Energy-Petru Lificiu , Mrs. Laura Ciuhu-Director Lara Med Life , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Council on International Relations and H.E. Ambassador of Nigeria

The conference will conclude with the presentation of managerial team of this important medical project by H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on International Relations. Mrs. Laura Ciuhu, head of managerial team will then formally present to the public the new managerial and medical team.

The opening of LARA LIFE MED CLINIC is representing the fruition of a long time project of European Council on International Relations of fostering the cooperation between European Union member’s states and entities on all levels and on all fields of activity as only friendship and mutual knowledge could build a United Europe.



On 23 June 2011 in the presence of Diplomatic Corp accredited to Romania and European officials it was unveiled the International Exhibition : DANUBE & DANUBE DELTA under the High Patronage of the European Council on International Relations .


Professor Dr. Anton Caragea – President of European Council on International Relations opening the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DANUBE AND DANUBE DELTA

It is the first edition of such an exhibition and as the organizers are stating it hopes to provide real support in erecting a platform to encourage and support fostering new initiatives and partnerships between local and regional authorities , private and state entities , environmental protection foundation in order to further develop the economic power of the Danube region .

The opening speech of the International Conference : DANUBE AND DANUBE DELTA : OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES was held by Professor Anton Caragea who offered his High Patronage to the event had presented the main objectives of the Conference: to mark 29 June 2011 as the official International Day of Danube , to emphasize the economic dimension of Danube as the second European rivers , crossing 10 countries , uniting 4 capitals and constructing a water way between North Sea and Black Sea and offering an avenue for more than 100 billions exchanges on goods and services .

Taking in consideration this economic dimension of Danube is absolutely vital for European Union and for Romania that is receiving 28, 9% percent of the length of the Danube, to transform this in economic opportunity and constructing international partnership not only with riverbanks’ country but with Mediterranean area countries, stated in his opening speech professor dr. Anton Caragea . 

The INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION DANUBE AND DANUBE DELTA (23-26 June 2011 ) opened under the High Patronage of European Council on International Relations.

Dr. Petru Lificiu, Vice-president of National Agency for Energy and President of Ecological Forum had presented in his speech the importance of economic development of Danube in the framework of environmental protection and also emphasize the importance of energy and transportation exploitation of Danube shores .

The main focus of the conference was offered by United Arab Emirates and State of Qatar ambassadors’ assessment of the Danube Delta and Danube potential after participating in the diplomatic trip along the Danube. 

Huge european presence at the opening ceremony.

H.E Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani – United Arab Emirates Ambassador to Romania focused his speech in assessment of the economical and environmental opportunities of Danube and Danube Delta and the practical dimension of his trip for observing area of interest for investors from United Arab Emirates . Also Ambassador Yacoub Yousef al Hosani expressed his appreciation towards the European Council on International Relations and President Anton Caragea for hosting this trip and for opening the magic gates of a UNESCO heritage site as valuable as Danube Delta and in such a short span of time to organize and an international conference on Danube and Danube Delta.

H.E Salem al Jaber- Ambassador of State of Qatar underlined his complete appreciation toward the observation and insightful analyses of Danube and Danube Delta offered by United Arab Emirates Ambassador stating also that now they are sharing a friendship cemented by waters of Danube , that according to legend make the perfect friendship .

Instead his speech will be directed toward concrete proposal such as including Danube Delta among the national flag carrier destination, including Mr. Petru Lificiu`s book as the travel guide for the area and offering support for state investment in tourism area in Danube region. He also expressed his gratitude for European Council on International Relations for offering this conference to European public.

At the end of the conference officials and ambassadors made the honor tour of the International Exhibition on Danube and Danube Delta admiring the marvelous objects presented in the exhibition and receiving a complementary book of Natural Patrimony of Romania by Mr. Petru Lificiu, book that was honored with Romania Book Award for 2011.



On 27 April 2011 the Board of Directors of European Council on International Relations  had convened in a special session to give a strong message of support for Syrian people and for Syrian Arab Republic independence and unity .

Professor Anton Caragea , President  of  European Council on International Relationshad read the final declaration of the meeting stating that :

Professor dr. Anton Caragea-President of European Council on International Relations

In front of  a media campaign of lies and disinformation  and manipulation regarding the events in Syrian Arab Republic we, the intellectual community of Europe we state our solidarity with Syrian people, victim of foreign intervention and aggression .

We voice our support for Syrian Arab Republic territorial integrity as is stated in all international law and United Nations Charta with territory of Golan as a integral part of Syrian Arab Republic as stated in the UN Charta .

We condemn the terrorist aggression that had launch attacks in Deraa , Latakia and Damascus  and we underline our support for the Government of President Bashar Al Assad as the soul legal , legitimate and unique representative of Syrian people.

We support the legal and lawful intervention of Syrian security forces against terrorist attacks in order to protect the life and property of Syrian people . Syrian security forces had only done their duty with honor and professionalism repealing the aggression and invaders from Syrian territory.

We condemn the media outlets that are calling terrorist attacks a revolution , mercenaries and terrorists as freedom fighter`s and advocate the destruction of Syria . We must state clear that in Syrian there is no revolution , in Syria a democratic reform process organized by President Bashar Al Assad is giving to every person the right to freedom of expression and human rights and dignity are provided for making useless any revolution.

Finally we express our trust in President Bashar Al Assad of Syria as the representative of the unity of Syrian people and the guarantor  of the integrity of Syria  , as the representative of reform policy for a better, democratic and free Syria. President Bashar Al Assad is in this grave hours the voice of people of Syria and is giving the example and dedication of  a true leader, we are respecting and we express our solidarity with him .

European Union must stand beside Syria as are under question the fundamental values that Europe is speaking for: freedom, independence, national unity and non-interference in internal affairs. If this principles will be forgotten not only Syria`s security will be under question but Europe and any other state existence will be subject to debate.   Supporting Syria , Europe is supporting herself.

In this difficult time European`s must not forget and abandon the brother people of Syria , the European-Syrian relation is a historical one and Europe must always stay behind Syria , his people and his leader, in the process of building a free and independent Syria.



On 12 April 2011 in a public ceremony , held in Bucharest at Aula Magna of Romanian Academy of Science, the world democratic community had rejoice to count a new member: Kazakhstan.

Democratic community had gathered to apllaude  a new member : Kazakhstan

In the presence of diplomatic representatives of traditional democratic states, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, president of European Council on International Relations  and director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania , had presented the EU-Romanian Monitoring Report on Kazakhstan Presidential Elections. The ceremony was especially important as it was a double held ceremony Brussels- Bucharest, as the Romanian report was accepted as a European document and publicly presented in the same day by the European Council on International Relations as a European report.

Professor Anton Caragea is endorsing the Election Monitoring Report on Kazakhstan

The conference was open by Professor Dr.Anton Caragea presentation on the electoral supervision methods, objectives, electoral monitoring theory and electoral monitoring practice. Other speeches on behalf of members of European Union- Romanian team for election monitoring   where held by Mr. Sali Negiat, undersecretary of state of Romanian Government and Mr. Gabriel Arsene, journalist. Then in a public ceremony , the Final Report of  Election Monitoring Mission in Kazakhstan was presented and handed off to Mr. Kairat Aiman – Charge d`affairs of Kazakhstan.

Monitoring commission has under scrutiny the mass media law, the election law, the political laws and the Constitutional Law of Kazakhstan and had operated a surveillance of the measure taken by the Central Electoral Commission in order to insure a free and open election atmosphere.

The European union- Romanian monitoring mission insured also the Election Day supervision, the supervision of counting and tabulation of elections results in a significant and representative number of sections and commissions.

A crowded audience listen the lesson of the birth of a democracy : Kazakhstan

The report conclusion being that is endorsing the Kazakhstan elections as representing the free and democratically expressed voice of Kazakh people decision

In his speech H.E.Kairat Aiman had warmly appreciated European Union-Romanian election monitoring team for the special efforts and dedication, for the energy inputted into this mission and for the electoral monitoring report.

″Specially I was interested by the international observer`s opinion on the democratic progress of my country and I was enthusiast to learn that our elections have obtained the international community support as democratic. I appreciate Romanian efforts″ concluded Kazakhstan Charge d`affairs-Kairat Aiman.

The Diplomatic Corp is listening to Election Monitoring Report

A question and answer session followed for a half an hour and has touched on all the pending issues on presidential elections held on 3 of April in Kazakhstan.

The 12 April 2011 event had represented for Kazakhstan the certificate for democratic and free elections and a support in continuing democratic reforms and for European Union , Romania and world democratic community a moment of pride as a new member is affirming himself on democratic path: Kazakhstan.



Between 28 of March and 6 April 2011 a European Union delegation from European Council on International Relations has realized the election monitoring for Kazakhstan presidential poll.

The monitoring mission was realized based on an invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. Between 28 of February and 28 of March the Monitoring commission has under scrutiny the mass media law, the election law, the political laws and the Constitutional Law of Kazakhstan and had operated a surveillance of the measure taken by the Central Electoral Commission in order to insure a free and open election atmosphere.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Council on International Relations , declares : Kazakhstan elections where in compliance with European norms

The conclusion of the European Council on International Relations monitoring commission was that: the necessary steps in order to insure an honest and balanced electoral consultation respecting democratic standards were taken by Government of Kazakhstan. The European Union monitoring mission insured also the Election Day supervision, the supervision of counting and tabulation of elections results in a significant and representative number of sections and commissions.

The preliminary conclusion of the Kazakhstan monitoring mission was publicly presented on 4 April 2011 in a press conference at Ramada Hotel in Astana by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on International Relations . The press conference included the presentation of Preliminary Monitoring Report for 3 April Presidential Elections and official presentation of data collected on election day and on tabulation phase, the conclusion being that the Monitoring Commission is endorsing the Kazakhstan elections as representing the free and democratically expressed voice of Kazakh people decision.

The European union report endorsing the free and fair character of Kazakhstan elections was presented on 4 April at 14:00 hour being fallowed at 16:00 by the Report of European Parliamentary Assembly endorsing also the democratic process of elections held in Kazakhstan and at 18:00 hours by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization report also supporting the elections result.

Finally Professor Dr. Anton Caragea held the honor of speaking on Security and Proximity Policy of European Union at Euro-Asian University. This honor was previously awarded to Hillary Clinton, George Bush jr.-United States President and Prince of Norway- Haakon and President Emil Constantinescu of Romania.

The meeting with students and professors of university had marked a two hours dialogue on European Union realities and mechanism bringing closer Central Asia and Europe.

The final report of monitoring mission of presidential election held in Kazakhstan was read in a double and concomitant ceremony in Bucharest and Brussels on 12 of April 2011.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Council on International Relations , presents the Final Monitoring Report on Kazakhstan Presidential Election on 12 April 2011 in a duplex Bucharest-Brussels .

In the presence of Diplomatic Corp and a huge audience , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Council on International Relations has presented the Final Report of EU Monitoring Mission concluding that :

The Election Process was on all his duration and in all his faze in conformity with international standards , international accepted norms and Copenhagen Criteria and is recognizing the April 3 Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan as free , fair , open and in complying with democratic values and criteria’s.

Today democratic and prosperous Kazakhstan is building a new euro-asian relation. Once Kazakhstan had obtained the democratic credentials European Union is having a stabile and open partner in Central Asia. The involvement of European Council on International Relations in supporting democratic process in Kazakhstan is a new bridge that is uniting the two countries.



The NATO Plan is to Occupy Libya by Fidel Castro

Oil has become the principal wealth in the hands of the great Yankee transnationals; through this energy source they had an instrument that considerably expanded their political power in the world.  It was their main weapon when they decided to easily liquidate the Cuban Revolution as soon as the first just and sovereign laws were passed in our Homeland: depriving it of oil.

Upon this energy source today’s civilization was developed.  Venezuela was the nation in this hemisphere that paid the highest price.  The United States became the lord and master of the huge oil fields that Mother Nature had bestowed upon that sister country.

At the end of the last World War, it started to extract greater amounts of oil from the oil fields ofIran, as well as those in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the Arab countries located around them.  These became the main suppliers.  World consumption progressively increased to the fabulous figure of approximately 80 million barrels a day, including those being extracted on United States territory, to which later gas, hydro and nuclear energies were added.  Until the beginning of the twentieth century, coal had been the basic source of energy that made industrial development possible, before billions of automobiles and engines consuming the liquid fuel were produced.

The squandering of oil and gas is associated with one of the greatest tragedies, not in the least resolved, which is suffered by humankind: climate change.

When our Revolution arose, Algeria, Libya and Egypt were not yet oil producers and a great part of the abundant reserves of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and the United Arab Emirates were still to be discovered.

In December of 1951, Libya becomes the first African country to attain its independence after WW II, during which its territory was the stage for important battles between the troops of Germany and theUnited Kingdom, conferring fame and glory on Generals Erwin Rommel and Bernard L. Montgomery.

Ninety-five percent of its territory is completely made up of desert.  Technology permitted the discovery of vital oilfields of excellent quality light oil that today reach one million 800 thousand barrels a day along with abundant deposits of natural gas.  Such riches allowed it to reach life expectancy that is almost at 75 years of age and the highest per capita income in Africa.  Its harsh desert is located over an enormous lake of fossil waters, equivalent to more than three times the land area of Cuba; this has made it possible to construct a broad network of pipelines of fresh water that stretch from one end of the country to the other.

Libya, which had a million inhabitants when it attained independence, today has somewhat more than 6 million.

The Libyan Revolution took place in the month of September of the year 1969. Its main leader was Muammar al-Gaddafi, a soldier of Bedouin origin who, in his early years, was inspired by the ideas of the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser.  Without any doubt, many of his decisions are associated with the changes that were produced when, as in Egypt, a weak and corrupt monarchy was overthrown in Libya.

The inhabitants of that country have age-old warrior traditions.  It is said that ancient Libyans were a part of Hannibal’s army when he was at the point of destroying Ancient Rome with the troops that crossed the Alps.

One can agree with Gaddafi or not.  The world has been invaded with all kinds of news, especially using the mass media.  One has to wait the necessary length of time in order to learn precisely what is the truth and what are lies, or a mixture of events of every kind that, in the midst of chaos, were produced in Libya.  For me, what is absolutely clear is that the government of the United States is not in the least worried about peace in Libya and it will not hesitate in giving NATO the order to invade that rich country, perhaps in a matter of hours or a few short days.

Those who with perfidious intentions invented the lie that Gaddafi was headed for Venezuela, just as they did yesterday afternoon on  Sunday the 20th of February, today received an fitting response from Foreign Affairs Minister  Nicolás Maduro when he literally stated that he was “wishing that the Libyan people would find, in the exercise of their sovereignty, a peaceful solution to their difficulties, that would preserve the integrity of the Libyan people and nation, without the interference of imperialism…”

As for me, I cannot imagine that the Libyan leader would abandon his country; escaping the responsibilities he is charged with, whether or not they are partially or totally false.

An honest person shall always be against any injustice being committed against any people in the world, and the worst of all, at this moment, would be to remain silent in the face of the crime that NATO is getting ready to commit against the Libyan people.

The leadership of that war-mongering organization has to do it.  We must condemn it!

Fidel Castro Ruz

February 21, 2011